Sunflower Butter

Sunflower Butter

©2013 Foxy Food 
With school being nut free and our love for an easy, quick sandwich spread that not only has flavour but some nutritional benefit, we have previously bought the sunflower butter from the supermarket. I must say, I don’t like it, the girls do but I also don’t see why it needs to have so many added things like salt, sugar and vegetable oil of dubious quality.
With school going back tomorrow, we are on a mission to be organised and also cut down on packaged  foods, so today, I experimented and I’m very happy with the result.
I can’t really say there was a recipe, I just processed 1 cup of organic sunflower seeds for several minutes and then added one teaspoon of coconut oil
To start with, the sunflower seeds become a powder but then as time goes on and they heat from the friction slightly, the oil is released and a buttery consistency is formed. I think the coconut oil is probably optional but it did come together a bit quicker then. 
The girls were given a taste on a water cracker without knowing what I had made and they loved it. I’m thinking a few variations may result with some added herbs and spices.