Dinners 8th – 12th August

School holidays + Greg away a bit = a bit lazy on the dinner front!

Yes, I’ve been a little lazy, the girls even had Weet-Bix for dinner one night! It was their suggestion!!

I thought it was a little late to put the last few nights’ meals up so starting from today’s through to Sunday.

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Chicken, Risotto
and Broccoli
Beef Stir Fry Steamed Fish Slow Cooked
Pickled  Pork
Chicken Drumsticks Beef Strips Salmon Brussel Sprouts Leftover pickled pork
Leftover Risotto Broccoli Broccoli Potatoes Toasted sandwich?
Broccoli Red Capsicum Beans Pumpkin Added vegies?
Lemon Beans Rice
Vermicelli Lemon
Fried Shallots
Chopped Onion
Soy Sauce